The plot centers around a grieving mother who begins to suspect that her son is somehow alive. I'm not for sure what I was expecting but I got a completely different story than what I had heard about. Well, that's until she finds a strange message on the easel-chalkboard in Danny's bedroom.

Very slowly, she has been picking up the pieces and moving on with her life. With her marriage now over, she has put all her time and energy into producing the show Magyck! at the Golden Pyramid in Reno. The story centers around Tina Evans, a grieving mother whose son, Danny, died in a bus accident along with several other boy scouts nearly one year ago.

The Eyes of Darkness was published in 1981 under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols. It seems readers were saying Koontz predicted the COVID-19 virus, which if you've actually read the novel, then you would know it's a false claim. Considering there's a worldwide epidemic, and add in the fact that I suffer from anxiety issues, the last thing I should be doing is reading a book about a man-made virus, but that's exactly what I did after I noticed author Dean Koontz was making online headlines with his 1981 thriller The Eyes of Darkness.